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Whole Sardine (1lb)

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$10.49 CAD
$10.49 CAD

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A fresh raw fish is great occasional treat or meal for all sizes. Sardine is totally consumable and a great way to add omega 3’s and micro minerals to the raw diet. 

*Only Available in-store and local delivery*

Raw bones are an essential part of a quality raw diet. They are a source of calcium and promote oral health. Bones are nature’s toothbrush! Chewing on bones also helps to release endorphins. 

Consumable bones – non weight-bearing, soft, doesn’t contain marrow. Great source of calcium.

Wolves have often resorted to hunting for fish in local streams when other prey was unavailable. While fish should not be fed too frequently, some dogs definitely enjoy the treat!

Appropriate for most dogs.


  • Whole Sardine

    Feeding Guidelines

    When choosing a raw bone for your pet, please note these important tips:

    • Always choose bones larger than your pet's mouth capacity to avoid choking.
    • Always supervise your pet while chewing on bones.


    Never feed cooked bones!

    If your pet cannot tolerate raw bones, be sure to include a meal that contains bone in it 3-4 times per week. Alternatively, you can add a quality natural sourced calcium supplement to their diet.

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